Use and Significance of Educational Technology (in the Indian context)..

Use and Significance of Educational Technology (in the Indian context)..

Use and Significance of Educational Technology (in the Indian context)..

In India, before the 1960’s the term educational technology was almost unknown to the educational system. It was used as synonym to
audio-visual teaching aids. The role of educational technologist in India, today, is not merely that of an audio-visual aid master, hardware expert, media expert or programmed text writer, but of one who is concerned with the information of an overall design to carry out an evaluation of the total process of education in terms of specific objectives.

Educational technology, as we find it today, has a meaningful present and promising future in our country. Some of the significant development in this direction may be summarized as follows:

  1. There has been a wider and more effective utilization of radio for broadcasting educational programmes throughout the country. These well planned programmes are now broadcast throughout the country for both in-school and out-of-school groups.
  2. Another significant development in the use of educational technology is concerned with the development of television programmes.
  3. The third important area where educational technology has been useful is the problem of -training and re-training a large number of school teachers in an effective way.
  4. Another application of educational technology in our country is known as distance education.
  5. Another major area where educational technology is being used in our country relates to language instruction.
  6. Another field of operation of educational technology in our country is concerned with the correspondence education,
  7. Another use for which educational technology is being put in our country is concerned with preparation, development and utilization of audio-visual material, and handling as well as maintenance of the hardware appliances and sophisticated gadgets.
  8. In the latest trend, educational technology is providing its worth by utilizing the services of computers and advanced form of ICT technology in the field of education.

Thus, educational technology has been providing its worth in our country by guiding, planning, implementing and evaluating various programmes of formal as well as non-formal education. 
Use and Significance of Educational Technology (in the Indian context).. 

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